Join us to Be Part of the Plan | CBCGDF Volunteers in Anshan City Celebrate the International Day for Biodiversity 2024

May 22 is the International Day for Biological Diversity. Early in the morning on May 22, 2024, volunteers in Anshan City from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) gathered at Anshan 219 Park to cooperate and assist the local Ecological Environment Bureau, Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, and Procuratorate and other administrative units to jointly carry out publicity activities for this Biodiversity Day.

CBCGDF volunteers collaborated with a number of functional units to express their opinions and exchange opinions on various aspects such as specific measures, working methods and practical experience for local biodiversity protection, as well as in the future joint law enforcement and mutual assistance and interaction, and reached a consensus, based on the specific conditions of the region: protecting biodiversity is to protect ourselves and our common future. Everyone jointly promised to contribute to the protection of the local biodiversity resources.


Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON) is a global biodiversity solution proposed by Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of CBCGDF in 2021. It aims to slow down the rapid loss of biodiversity through human-based solution. As an innovative measure for biodiversity conservation in the era of the fourth civilization, Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood is an innovative solution for people to fully participate in biodiversity conservation. It reduces the footprint of biodiversity and carries out activities in people's daily production and life. Nature conservation promotes everyone to actively contribute to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As of September 2023, more than 200 CBCGDF Community Conservation Areas(CCAfas) have been created to carry out Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood. BCON has been identified as one of the solutions to promote world peace by the 2023 "Paris Peace Forum" .

Original article:


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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