CBCGDF Volunteer Team in Harbin City Patrolled 180 km for Cleaning up Many Illegal Bird Catching and Fishing Tools

 Harbin is located at an important location on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) migration channel. It is an important breeding and resting place for migratory birds. Tens of thousands of migratory birds fly through here every spring and autumn. This is the main season for bird watching in Harbin CityHeilongjiang Province. This is the busiest time for the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation(CBCGDF) volunteer team in Harbin.

On May 12, 2024, the volunteer team of 22 people carried out the sixth spring patrol in Hulan Dongyu Group, Nanping Road, Kangjin Street Linjia Village, Shuanghe Village, Shangjia Village and other areas, covering a distance of approximately 180 kilometers.

The results of this patrol operation were remarkable. A total of 35 wild birds (rosefinch, titmice, siskin, etc.) were released, 5 siskins were rescued. The team destroyed 28 cages, 2 alarm bird clips, 2 nets. 16 live birds were released, and 100 dead birds were disposed of. The illegal bird catcher was also reported to the police, and the suspected bird catcher was taken away by the police for further investigation.

On the way back, volunteers carried out "Peoples vs. Plasticsr" action in the Hulan River Estuary Wetland. A total of more than 10 bags of garbage were collected, weighing about 50 kg. At the same time, volunteers also cleaned up 10 illegal fishing tools on the riverside, including 10 cage nets and 1 hook, and rescued more than 10 kg of various fish. The Hulan River is about to enter a closed fishing season (May 16). Volunteers hereby appeal to the relevant departments to increase law enforcement during the closed fishing period and completely remove illegal nets from the Hulan River Basin.

Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON) is a global biodiversity solution proposed by Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of CBCGDF in 2021. It aims to slow down the rapid loss of biodiversity through human-based solution. As an innovative measure for biodiversity conservation in the era of the fourth civilization, Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood is an innovative solution for people to fully participate in biodiversity conservation. It reduces the footprint of biodiversity and carries out activities in people's daily production and life. Nature conservation promotes everyone to actively contribute to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As of September 2023, more than 200 CBCGDF Community Conservation Areas(CCAfas) have been created to carry out Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood. BCON has been identified as one of the solutions to promote world peace by the 2023 "Paris Peace Forum" .

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4PovLRM3LzldJmbvit-f-w


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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