China Central Television Interviews Linda Wong on Human-Wildlife Co-existence: Celebrating 2024 International Day for Biological Diversity

May 22, 2024 marked the annual International Day for Biological Diversity, prompting reflections on how humans and animals will coexist in future cities. Linda Wong, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), shared four recommendations during an interview with China Central Television's news channel.

Pic source: CCTV 

Firstly, she advocated for a philosophy of harmony without intrusion. This entails living in harmony with wildlife while maintaining a respectful distance, refraining from excessive contact or feeding.  

Secondly, Wong emphasized the need for more Nature-based Solutions (NbS). For instance, when dealing with plant diseases and pests, comprehensive methods should be employed instead of relying solely on chemical control to minimize negative impacts on the environment.

The third recommendation is to promote Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood (BCON). This involves reducing one's biodiversity footprint in production and daily life processes, thereby minimizing habitat destruction and reducing disturbances and impacts on wildlife.

Lastly, she called for the adoption of green design principles in urban planning. For example, consideration should be given to light pollution and the impact of glass curtain walls on birds during architectural design to reduce bird collision incidents. Furthermore, small wetlands and other ecological environments should be protected as they are crucial for the survival of some endangered species, like the critically endangered dragonfly bekko tombo (libellula angelina).

These four recommendations provide feasible measures and guidelines for harmonious coexistence between future cities and wildlife, advocating for attention to biodiversity conservation in daily life and collective efforts to build a better ecological environment.

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China Central Television (CCTV) stands as one of China's most influential media platforms, reaching millions of viewers nationwide and exerting significant impact on public discourse. With its extensive coverage and diverse programming, CCTV plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion, raising awareness on important issues, and driving social change.

Similarly, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has been instrumental in mainstreaming biodiversity conservation efforts. Through various initiatives and campaigns, CBCGDF works tirelessly to promote environmental awareness, advocate for sustainable development practices, and engage stakeholders in biodiversity conservation efforts since it's establishment in 1985. From educational programs and public outreach campaigns to policy advocacy and partnership-building, CBCGDF employs a multifaceted approach to ensure that biodiversity conservation becomes a central focus in China's development agenda.

Reported by Sally
Editor: Yanjun
Contact:; +8617319454776


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