CBCGDF-BASE: To explicitly include "One Health" to reduce the chance of transmission of zoonotic diseases | Regulations on Animal Epidemic Prevention in Hebei Province (Draft for Comments)


On April 19, 2024, the Hebei Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development issued a notice on the "Regulations on Animal Epidemic Prevention in Hebei Province (Draft for Comments)" to solicit public opinions. After careful study, the Committee on BIOLOGY AND SCIENCE ETHICS of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF-BASE) submitted a total of 15 recommendations for reference in its scientific decision-making. The following is one of the recommendations.

Pic credit: CBCGDF Community Conservation Area for Guanzhuang Flower Pigs at Fujian (CCAfa)

It is recommended that "One Health" be explicitly included in order to minimise the chance of transmission of zoonotic diseases.

Reason: One Health refers to the concept of interconnectedness and interdependence between humans, animals and the environment. It emphasises the close links between humans, animals and the environment, recognising that their health is closely interconnected and affects each other. The concept of One Health stems from an understanding of the relationship between global public health and the health of ecosystems. It recognises that human health is closely linked to animal health and the health of ecosystems. For example, the spread of disease between humans and animals, eg. the spread of viruses, bacteria and parasites, can pose a threat to both human and animal health. At the same time, changes in environmental factors, such as climate change and loss of biodiversity, can also have an impact on human and animal health.

Animal vaccination needs to be considered in the context of One-Health because of the close interrelationships between animals, humans and the environment. Animal diseases and pathogens can pose a threat to humans, such as the cross-species spread of infectious diseases like avian influenza. By adhering to the One-Health principle, animal disease surveillance and control measures can be strengthened to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases and reduce the chance of zoonotic disease transmission. Ensuring the health and welfare of animals reduces food safety risks and the spread of infectious diseases, thereby safeguarding human health. In addition, animal farming activities also have an impact on the environment, such as water pollution and land use. Therefore, considering the same concept of health can promote sustainable agricultural production and environmental protection, and achieve the harmonious development of humans, animals and the environment.

On a global scale, it is also necessary to incorporate the concept of "one health". For example, (1) Goal 25 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) explicitly states that the Framework recognises the interlinkages between biodiversity and health and the three objectives of the Convention. The implementation of the framework will take into account the One Health approach as well as other holistic science-based approaches, mobilising multiple sectors, disciplines and communities to work together with the aim of sustainably balancing and optimising the health of people, animals, plants and ecosystems, recognising the need for equitable access to tools and technologies, including medicines, vaccines and other biodiversity-related health products. including medicines, vaccines and other biodiversity-related health products, recognising the need for equitable access to tools and technologies, while emphasising the urgent need to reduce pressures on biodiversity and mitigate environmental degradation in order to reduce health risks, and to develop, where appropriate, practical access routes and benefit-sharing arrangements. (2) The documents and policies of many relevant organisations such as the World Organisation for Animal Health and the European Green New Deal already explicitly take "One Health" into account.

Specific recommendations: 1) To fully consider the inclusion of "one health" in the Draft; 2) In Chapter 1 [General Provisions]: To promote animal health, environmental health and human health through "One Health" Approach.

(This article is a record of daily work, and basically based on machine translation for reference ONLY.)

Compiled by: Samantha

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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