CBCGDF BASE Recommends to Clearly Include "One Health" to Hebei Province Animal Epidemic Regulations (Revised Draft for Comments)

On April 19, 2024, the Hebei Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a public notice to solicit public opinions on the Hebei Provincial Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations (Revised Draft for Comments), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation Biology and Science Ethics Working Committee (CBCGDF BASE) actively responded to the call, organized discussions, and actively served scientific decision-making.

CBCGDF BASE recommends that the Revised Draft for Comments clearly incorporate the "One Health" working approach to minimize the chance of zoonotic disease transmission.

Reason: One Health refers to the concept of interconnectedness and interdependence between humans, animals and the environment. It emphasizes the close connection between humans, animals and the environment, recognizing that their health is closely linked and affects each other. The concept of One Health stems from the recognition of the relationship between global public health and ecosystem health. It recognizes that human health is closely linked to the health of animals and the health of ecosystems. For example, the spread of diseases between humans and animals, such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites, can pose a threat to human and animal health. At the same time, changes in environmental factors, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, can also have an impact on human and animal health.

Specific suggestions: 1) In the revision of the "Hebei Province Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations", consider fully incorporating the concept of "One Health" and its related content; 2) To write in the [General Provisions] Chapter 1: Promote with "One Health" approach, animal health, environmental health, human health.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hnKv7fnpp3o83mUiUCUUmQ


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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