19 Spotted Seals Migrated to Changdao National Marine Park to Rest, and CBCGDF Volunteers Built a "Cozy Home" for Them

Recently, staff at the Changdao Island National Marine Park Management Center detected a dozen spotted seals (Phoca largha) gathering on a reef more than 40 meters away to bask in the sun. A total of 19 spotted seals were photographed through drone aerial photography. During the day, most seals forage around the sea and return to the rocks to rest at night. Changdao Island is located in Yantai City, Shandong Province, at the intersection of the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. It has an excellent marine environment and rich marine life. There are more than 600 species of fish, shrimps, crabs, shells and other creatures. It is an ideal "gas station" for spotted seals.

In recent years, Changdao Island National Marine Park has carried out ecological restoration of seagrass beds and seaweed fields on nearly 20,000 square meters of sea area on five islands, and put in more than 400 self-developed ecological algae reefs, providing an ideal "gas station" for harbor seals.There are many magical reefs on the north side of Changdao Island and Balangdao Island, called seal reefs. As the name suggests, they are "water habitats" specially designed for spotted seals.

From February to May every year, groups of Western Pacific harbor seals migrate from Liaodong Bay to Changdao in batches. After spending the spring here, we set off to continue our summer trip to Baengnyeong Island and other sea areas. The waters of Changdao are rich in marine biological resources. They are the only way for harbor seals to migrate and are also important habitats. These round and innocent spotted seals poke their mouths covered with long beards out of the water, revealing their round heads, and they look for food, rest, play and enjoy "sunbathing" on the islands and reefs of Changdao Island.


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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