The Green Transition Action Plan and Related Issues: Developed vs Developing Economies | WAAS@64 Conference

On May 15, 2024, WAAS@64 Conference was held online. The views presented at WAAS@64 will help the Board create a framework of programs and activities in support of the UN SDGs, peace and human security for all. It will also help identify ways to enhance membership participation and engagement and improve organizational functioning.  

Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), Fellow of World Academy of Art and Science is invited to attend
WAAS@64 Conference, an international conference and general assembly online on May 15 & 16 and June 26 & 27.

During the panel discussion on May 16, guests shared their views on “
The Green Transition Action Plan and Related Issues: Developed vs Developing Economies”.

The green transition action plan is necessary to mitigate the climate emergency and, by doing so, to protect human, animal or plant life, as well as to conserve exhaustible natural resources. This panel examines the global approach and local patterns capable of mitigating the climate emergency and preventing excessive carbon and other types of leakages when defining local green transition action plans. Special focus is given to macroeconomic sustainability measures (17 UN SDGs), microeconomic performance measures (ESG metrics), and the impact of green financing on the selection of green projects.

Original Chinese link:

Edited by: YJ
Checked By: LYJ
Contact:; +8617319454776



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