A Great Success! CBCGDF’s Side Event “Talks on Invasive Species” Concluded with thousands of Viewers

At 08:00 – 10:00 (Bolivia Time, GMT-4) on May 22, 2024, coinciding with the beginning of International Day for Biological Diversity, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology (ARCST), Journal of Latin America Sciences and Culture (JLASC) and BGI successfully held a virtual event themed on “Talks on Invasive Species”, which is one of the satellite events of the first ever World Species Congress.

Twelve speakers including policymakers, experts, scholars and youth from China, Bolivia and Colombia engaged in meaningful dialogue, sharing knowledge, and exploring effective strategies for combating the significant threats posed by invasive alien species through online discussion and speech videos. More than 1050 audiences watched the meeting through online live streaming.

H.E. Mr. Hugo Siles Núñez del Prado, Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the People's Republic of China, delivered a video speech at the event, introducing Bolivia's rich biodiversity resources, as well as a series of measures and achievements in biodiversity conservation and animal welfare, which effectively raised public awareness and ensured that these valuable resources are sustainably managed and protected.

H. E. Omar Osco Alanoca, Biologist, General Director of Biodiversity and Protected Areas of the Vice Ministry of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forest Development, made a keynote speech themed on Exposition on Introduced Species and Their Invasive Effect. He analyzed the differences and connections between introduced species and invasive species, and shared several cases on experiences of use of invasive species in Bolivia, emphasizing that biodiversity conservation and economy generation must be considered under a management approach.

Dr. Edoardo Monaco, Associate Professor and Programme Director of Globalisation and Development at the Joint International School of Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University, made a keynote speech themed on Biodiversity Conservation: Priorities and Opportunities, advocating for sustainable conservation practices to ensure the well-being and prosperity of humanity.

Prof. Marco Antonio Cabero Zabalaga, Chairman of Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology (ARCST), made a keynote speech themed on Ecological Conservation and Invasive Species Control in Latin America: The Role of Climate Change and the Science Culture Construction. He analyzed the impact of climate change on invasive species in Latin America, highlighting the importance of scientific and technological strategies for prevention, control, and management, and emphasizes the role of education and community involvement in combating these threats to biodiversity. 

Dr. Wei Hui, Expert of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, made a theme presentation on Community-level Trophic Interactions Between Native Aquatic Organisms and Non-native Fishes. She introduced their research on the interactions between native aquatic organisms and non-native fish in the Lower Pearl River Basin, highlighting the significant niche overlap and competitive dynamics that influence community stability and ecological impacts. 

Ms. Ma Sheng, Deputy Leader of Invasive Alien Species Working Group of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, made a theme presentation on Rethinking Invasive Alien Species: The Bad & the Good. She presented insights on reevaluating invasive alien species, emphasizing the need to consider their potential benefits and proposing alternative approaches for their management and utilization.

Prof. Jose Gabriel Perez from the International Green Science Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (IGSCLAC) made a theme presentation on Invasive Species in Colombia and Mexico's Biodiversity: Education and Society. He highlighted the significant impact of invasive species on biodiversity in Colombia and Mexico, emphasizing the importance of education, sustainable practices, and collaborative efforts to mitigate these threats and protect native ecosystems and species.

Prof. Mary Luz Ojeda, also from the International Green Science Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (IGSCLAC), made a theme presentation on Solutions for Promoting Green Science and Spreading Scientific Culture. She discussed the initiatives of the International Green Science Center for Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on educational programs, interactive tools, and community engagement strategies designed to raise awareness and promote action against invasive species and environmental issues among children and adults.

Dr. Liu Linyi represented Dr. Dong Yingying, who is the Associate Researcher of Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to made a theme presentation on Monitoring and Assessment of Desert Locust in Africa and Asia. He discussed the use of remote sensing technology for monitoring and forecasting invasive vegetation pests and diseases, highlighting its efficiency, data sources, modeling techniques, and successful case studies, such as the desert locust and fall armyworm, to support agricultural management and decision-making.

In the Voices of Youth Section, three videos prepared by the students from primary schools in Wuhan were played, focusing on alien invasive species and finless porpoises, which provided fresh perspectives and highlighted the importance of education and youth involvement in biodiversity conservation efforts. 

In the video “Why are wetlands more vulnerable to invasions by alien species?”, Ruoxi Ma from Wuhan Foreign Languages Primary School and Jinghan Sun from Wuhan Yucai Primary School discussed the vulnerability of wetlands to invasive alien species, the reasons behind their spread, and the importance of responsible actions to protect wetland environments. 

In the video “Safeguard the Smile of Yangtze Finless Porpoise”, Chuyuan Zhou from Nanhu No.1 Primary School and Xinning Wang from Nanhu No.2 Primary School emphasized the critical endangerment of the Yangtze finless porpoise due to human activities, calling for environmental protection, educational initiatives, and community involvement to safeguard this species and its habitat.

In the video “Facts about Yangtze Finless Porpoise”, Jianuo An and Jiayou An from Huazhong University of Science and Technology Affiliated Primary School highlighted the critical situation of the Yangtze finless porpoise, emphasizing its unique ecological significance and the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect both the species and the entire Yangtze River ecosystem.

As an outcome of the event, participants declared a Species Conservation Pledge which is an initiative of Reverse the Red to accelerate actions focused on recovery outcomes for wild populations. The draft version of pledge will be add with threatened species talked during this event, and will be sent to all speakers for them to edit and input. And finally a version in consensus will be developed and published, which will signify their collective commitment to protecting biodiversity and combating invasive species.


Translator: Richard

Checked by Samantha

Editor: Richard

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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