Obstacles to EPR Development in Asia Developing Countries | CBCGDF Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group

Developing countries in Asia are facing a significant plastic pollution challenge, and the solution lies in the implementation of innovative management and monitoring initiatives. Although plastic pollution has a global impact, industrial-producing countries are particularly at risk.

Photo by Xiuying, credit to CBCGDF


In Asia, plastic waste recycling is predominantly market-dependent, leading to issues with informal private recycling, high transportation costs, limited facilities, and inadequate pollution control. Collaborative eco-recycling zones could be established to centralise recycling operations to enhance the efficacy of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Furthermore, establishing a tiered recycling system in remote areas could effectively reduce costs and improve management efficiency.


Editor: LYJ

Check: Richard

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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