Stefan Schmitz: The Global Food System Needs to Be Changed through Global Cooperation to Adapt to Climate Change | CBCGDF 2023 ICCOP

The 2023 International Climate Conference of People (ICCOP) organized by China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation was held on the morning of Sept. 3rd during China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS). Mr. Stefan Schmitz, the Executive Director of the Crop Trust delivered an opening speech for the meeting.

Mr. Stefan Schmitz Shared some thoughts around crop diversity for food security. He said: “the way we produce our food must be changed. Our agri-food system needs to change to be able to survive in the future, to be able to make sure that a growing number of people around the world can be fed fully and healthy.”

“We need global cooperation on this. We need the exchange of this crop diversity that is stored in genebanks and make it available to everybody. The Crop Trust supports gene banks around the world to do a better job in conserving the seeds and make it available.”

The whole speech can be found at:

Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by: Daisy

Editor: Sara     

Contact:; +8617319454776


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