Standing Committee of 14th National People's Congress Released through Xinhuanet the Legislative Programme Showing Most of the Projects Concerned by CBCGDF under Review

On September 7, 2023, Xinhuanet was authorized to release the legislative programme of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee. This legislative programme is divided into three categories projects, with a total of 130 draft laws. The first category of projects is draft laws that are to be submitted for deliberation when the conditions are relatively mature (79 items). The second category of projects is the draft laws that need to be worked quickly and are to be submitted for deliberation when the conditions are ripe (51 items). The third category of projects is legislation projects whose conditions are not yet fully met and require continued research and demonstration.

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foudation(CBCGDF) Legal Working Committee focuses on promoting the Farmland Protection Law, Public Interest Litigation Law, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law, National Park Law, etc.

Among them, The following laws belong to the first category: draft laws that are relatively mature and are to be submitted for review, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law, the National Park Law. And CBCGDF Legal Working Committee has held discussions on dozens of other draft laws and submitted a large number of suggestions to the National People's Congress Legal Affairs Committee.

The draft laws such as the Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution Prevention and Control Law, the Natural Disaster Prevention Law, the Fisheries Law, the Water Law, and the Energy Conservation Law, which CBCGDF is concerned about, are among the second major categories of projects that need to be worked on quickly and will be submitted for review when conditions are ripe.

However, the current legislative conditions for projects such as protection of important river basins, response to climate change, and carbon peak and carbon neutrality are not yet fully met and require continued research and demonstration.

Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Daisy

Checked by: Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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