The Contact Groups Reviewed the Draft and Related Annexes Currently under Discussion|2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference
Following Sunday’s ceremony, opening and regional statements marked the beginning of the official proceedings of the UN Biodiversity Conference, including the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the 11th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CP MOP 11), and the fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (NP MOP 5) on access and benefit-sharing (ABS). Two Working Groups met in the afternoon, to review draft decisions, and establish multiple contact and informal groups. Four contact groups met in the evening to address draft decisions on: Article 8(j) and related provisions on Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) and traditional knowledge; digital sequence information (DSI) on genetic resources; biodiversity and health; and biodiversity mainstreaming.
The delegation from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has arrived in Colombia to attend the meeting on November 28.
Capacity Building: The group finalized its considerations of two draft decisions and associated annexes. On a non-paper on capacity building and development, the group made headway in resolving brackets. Delegates deliberated on whether to issue a second call for additional centers, with some noting that time must be given to allow the first round of approved regional and/or subregional technical support centers to begin operations before deciding on a second round. Others stressed that the current selection is insufficiently representative of certain regions and ecosystems, and discussions were parked.
Financial Mechanism: Delegates resumed negotiations on a revised non-paper, focusing on a list of requests to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under the section on the review of effectiveness of the financial mechanism. They agreed to request the GEF to continue to enhance country and local ownership, including through addressing the capacity support available to operational focal points and reviewing the role of the implementing agencies while considering broadening the base of implementing agencies, with a view to promoting more direct engagement of national entities.
Digital Sequence Information (DSI): Deliberations continued on the basis of a non-paper. The Co-Chairs noted fruitful discussions over the weekend on: options for monetary contributions; the governance of the multilateral mechanism; and funding allocations and disbursements.
Synthetic Biology: The contact group resumed discussions on a non-paper, focusing on elements to be taken into account when developing a thematic action plan on capacity building. Delegates agreed to reference “strategies” rather than “proposals” to promote benefit-sharing from synthetic biology. Discussions then focused on text referencing mechanisms for technology transfer, knowledge-sharing, and international cooperation, with some preferring to keep a concise text, and others proposing additions.
Article 8(j): Delegates heard a report from a Friends of the Co-Chairs group indicating that the proposal for a draft decision on the role of people of African descent will be issued as a separate decision, further noting that only two issues remain, namely references to “collectivities,” and wording concerning reference to and context of Article 8(j).
Editor: Maggie
Checked by: Richard
Contact:; +8617319454776
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