Discuss funding support|2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference·Day3
Following Sunday’s ceremony, opening and regional statements marked the beginning of the official proceedings of the UN Biodiversity Conference, including the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the 11th Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CP MOP 11), and the fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (NP MOP 5) on access and benefit-sharing (ABS). Two Working Groups met in the afternoon, to review draft decisions, and establish multiple contact and informal groups. Four contact groups met in the evening to address draft decisions on: Article 8(j) and related provisions on Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) and traditional knowledge; digital sequence information (DSI) on genetic resources; biodiversity and health; and biodiversity mainstreaming.
The delegation from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has arrived in Colombia to attend the meeting on November 23.
The Article 8(j) group met over the course of the day to continue deliberations on tasks in the new work programme. Diverging views remained for many tasks, including on language regarding access to funding for IPLCs, with debate on issues of sovereignty, scope of resource mobilization efforts, and the importance of direct access to funding for IPLCs’ work. Progress was made on streamlining certain tasks under the element on benefit-sharing, with relevant provisions remaining bracketed.
Delegates discussed an indicative list of elements for an initial allocation formula, such as biodiversity richness and contribution, and conservation needs, agreeing that the list is useful and needs to account for biodiversity. They debated potential hurdles in accessing necessary data, and redundancies and overlaps in the indicative list of elements. The Co-Chairs said they will develop a non-paper with different options, addressing the list of elements as: a list of useful criteria; a list of criteria/factors to be considered for the development of a precise formula by COP 17; and the basis for the development of an initial formula at COP 16 to be revised by COP 17. Delegates also discussed whether a specific percentage of the DSI fund should be set aside for IPLCs’ self-identified needs, and to support technology transfer and technical development. They agreed that a percentage should support IPLCs but the exact percentage and modalities will require further discussions.
Editor: Maggie
Checked by: Richard
Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776
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