Public Consultation: For the Preparation of a Guide for the Mainstreaming of the Gender Perspective in the Implementation of the Escazú Agreement | CBCGDF OceanWetlands Reports

Recently, the International Department of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received an email from the Secretariat of the Escazú Agreement, inviting the International Department of CBCGDF to participate in the questionnaire survey on the Guide for the Mainstreaming of the Gender Perspective in the Implementation of the Escazú Agreement.

The Third Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement adopted the Decision III/4 “Mainstreaming the Gender Perspective" to further advance gender equality in the full and effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement. In that Decision, among other things, the Secretariat (ECLAC) was requested to prepare, with the support of the rest of the United Nations Entity Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and other agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations, "a guide on mainstreaming the gender perspective in the implementation of the Escazú Agreement, and to present it at the next ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties". that is, at COP4 in 2026.

The concept of mainstreaming the gender perspective or PdG "responds to the need to integrate the analysis of the different needs of women and men in all dimensions of the policy and action of the State (...) This aims to make gender inequalities visible" (ECLAC, 2022, p. 31). Thus, through the PoG, the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all spheres and levels of government are evaluated; so that the experiences of women and men are integrated into the policy process, with the ultimate goal of achieving gender equality (United Nations 1999; ECOSOC 1997).[1]

In this context, the Secretariat has initiated a participatory process for the preparation of the aforementioned Guide, whose first step is to collect relevant inputs from States Parties, the United Nations System and other key actors on existing gaps and challenges, as well as progress in existing regulatory frameworks, instruments, policies, initiatives and practices aimed at mainstreaming the gender perspective in the implementation of the Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Recognizing that men and women present common and differentiated gaps and challenges for the exercise of their access rights, as well as for protection of the environment carried out by both, this questionnaire seeks to collect inputs and information on:

1.Specific gaps and challenges faced by women in fully exercising their access rights recognized in the Escazú Agreement in Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as their work to protect the environment, and

2.Regulatory frameworks, instruments, policies, initiatives and practices aimed at mainstreaming the gender perspective in general at the regional and/or national level, and others for the better exercise by women of the right to information, participation and justice in environmental matters of interest to them, as well as their work in protecting the environment,

The questionnaire is the same for States Parties, Agencies of the United Nations System and the public. For the purpose of systematizing the results, they have been organized according to who will respond to them.DeadlineThe deadline to answer the questionnaire is Friday, February 7 at 11:59 p.m. in Santiago de Chile.

Link to the survey:

Original Chinese article:

Translator: Daisy        

Reviewed by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776

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