The 1st one in Inner Mongolia! A significant step of dark sky conservation: Dark Sky Community Conservation Area in Saihanwula


On July 6, a significant step was done with the establishment of Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) for Dark & Starry Sky at Saihanwula (赛罕乌拉)  in the SaihanWula National Nature Reserve, Bahrain Right Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. It's a a Sanctuary of Stars, and the first one established here. This initiative marks a step forward in safeguarding the region's pristine night skies and fostering a deeper appreciation for the ecological and cultural value of darkness.

At night, the Saihanwula National Nature Reserve is dotted with stars. Visitors can not only enjoy the serene and magnificent starry sky, but also experience the unique starry sky culture.

The Saihanwula Nature Reserve, where the Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) for Dark & Starry Sky is located, is a national nature reserve.

It is:

1. the best place for stargazing. Saihanwula Sacred Mountain Stargazing Platform is 1206m above sea level, with good ecology and wide vision, and there is only one protected area management terminus and family area within 10 kilometres around, with less than a hundred people living in the area, and very little light pollution.

2、Research and study base. There are stargazing campsites, starry sky cabins and other facilities in the reserve, and equipped with astronomical telescopes, which can carry out astronomical science viewing, recreation and other activities.

Scientific investigation confirms that there are 6 vegetation types, 10 vegetation subtypes and 39 groups in the reserve, and the biodiversity resources are very rich. It is known that there are 3079 species of wild animals and plants, among which 73 species of key animals and plants are under the protection of the State Grade II or above. Saihanwula Nature Reserve has a beautiful ecological environment, excellent air quality, excellent visibility and permeability, and little light pollution, making it one of the darkest places among this region.

It is located in the core area of the Saihanwula Sacred Mountain, with an area of about 101,000 acres, which is one of the richest areas of biodiversity in the Reserve. It is delineated as the core area and buffer area according to the plan, and the periphery is delineated as the experimental area. The key protection objects in the area are forest ecosystems, rare and endangered wildlife and plants.

This Dark Night Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) has been actively carrying out relevant conservation work for a long time:

1. Protect natural resources in accordance with the law.

2. Construction of stargazing research camps.

3. Light management.

In the future, the Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) will:

1. increase the efforts to build the dark night star camp. Strengthen infrastructure construction and develop high-end holiday B&B products.

2. create the most beautiful dark night reserve. 

3. scientific research and regular monitoring. 

4. publicity and education. 

Edited by: Samantha  

Contact:; +8617319454776


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