A Sanctuary of Stars: The Establishment of Dark Sky Community Conservation Area in Saihanwula, Inner Mongolia of China

The night sky, a celestial canvas adorned with countless stars, has been a source of wonder and inspiration for humanity throughout history. It is a shared heritage that connects us to the vastness of the universe and reminds us of our place within it. Recognizing the significance of preserving this natural wonder, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has been actively supporting the efforts of Barin Right Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to protect dark skies.  

Recently, a significant step was done with the establishment of Community Conservation Area (CCAfa) for Dark & Starry Sky at Saihanwula (赛罕乌拉) in this region. This initiative marks a step forward in safeguarding the region's pristine night skies and fostering a deeper appreciation for the ecological and cultural value of darkness.

The effort aligns well with the global movement to combat light pollution and preserve dark skies. Saihanwula, with its high altitude, clear atmosphere, and minimal light pollution, offers an exceptional opportunity to experience the night sky in all its glory. The CCAfa established here will serve as dedicated spaces where people can connect with nature, engage in stargazing activities, and learn about the importance of dark sky conservation. By protecting these areas, we can ensure that future generations will have the chance to marvel at the beauty of the cosmos.

Reporter: Wendy

Editor: Richard


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