Ban on Feeding Wild Animals Issued in Naqu County, Xizang Autonomous Region

On July 22, 2024, the Forestry and Grassland Administration of Naqu County, Xizang Autonomous Region issued a notice banning the feeding of wild animals.

The notice stated that as the ecological protection efforts in Naqu County have intensified, more and more rare animals such as Tibetan antelopes, white-lipped deer, and brown bears have been frequently spotted. However, some tourists have shown curiosity or a desire to protect animals by feeding wild animals.

The act of feeding wild animals, despite the appearance of caring for the animals, can have serious negative effects. This behavior may destroy the natural foraging instinct of wild animals, causing them to become dependent on the food provided by humans and lose the ability to hunt naturally. This not only affects their survival skills and wild instincts, but may also lead to a threat to the healthy balance of the population. In addition, pathogens carried in human food can also be reversely transmitted to wildlife, posing a potential threat to their health and even affecting the stability of entire ecosystems.

Original Chinese link:
Edited by: YJ
Checked By: Maggie
Contact:; +8617319454776



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