Prof. SONG Wenpei: How Can We Save Energy and Protect Environment in Our Daily Lives? | Report by CBCGDF-SSBSP (2)

At present, human society is suffering from various extreme weather such as rainstorms and floods, high temperature heat waves, strong winds and dust. In such a severe situation, what can ordinary people do? What do they need to know? How to further enhance the practice and understanding of environmental protection and green development among the general public?

Professor YUE Xiaoguang, Executive Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation South-South Biodiversity Science Project(CBCGDF-SSBSP) and European University of Cyprus, sorted out some relevant questions and interviewed several members of the International Engineering and Technology Association (IETI), hoping that they can give some easy-to-understand answers to this. The following is the relevant interview content:

Q: For the general public, how can we achieve energy conservation and environmental protection in daily life?

Professor SONG Wenpei of National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan(China),Building carbon footprint assessment expert, Nanqiang Chair Professor of Xiamen University: In daily life, implementing energy conservation is not only conducive to reducing carbon emissions, but also essential to protecting the environment. According to the International Energy Agency, by 2030, power consumption in standby mode will account for 15% of total electrical power consumption. Therefore, developing the habit of unplugging electrical appliances when not in use or leaving the room can easily save electricity. In addition, walking, cycling or using public transportation can effectively reduce our carbon footprint. If the destination is not far away, you can consider using public bicycles, shared bicycles and other tools. Eating more local and seasonal fruits and vegetables and eating less meat and dairy products can not only reduce the energy required for refrigeration, but also reduce carbon footprint. When traveling, choose other forms of public transportation instead of flying to minimize carbon emissions. To avoid food waste, we should understand our own food consumption and only buy food that can be eaten within the shelf life. Reusing items and properly recycling resources can maximize the value of items and ensure that recyclable materials are properly handled. If your home receives ample sunlight, consider using a solar water heater to convert sunlight into heat. When considering buying a new car, electric vehicles are a good choice for reducing carbon emissions, provided there are adequate charging stations and repair services. Finally, when shopping, choose products from companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint, as this supports environmental protection and positive efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Original article:


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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