BCON Working Group of CBCGDF Issued 17 Comments on the National Parks Law of the People's Republic of China

 The Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress announced the "National Park Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft)" on September 13, 2024, and widely solicited opinions from the public. The BCON Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation actively responded to the call, organized serious research, and put forward 17 suggestions and opinions.


Suggestion 1: In Article 1, it is recommended that the expression protecting biodiversity and ecosystem servicesbe added after maintaining national ecological securityto emphasize the multiple values  of ecosystems.


Suggestion 2: The term ecological civilizationis not currently included in the entire text. It is recommended that it be added to the appropriate section of Chapter 1 General Provisions.


Recommendation 3: In Article 6, it is recommended to emphasize the establishment and operation of a cross-departmental coordination mechanism, set up a cross-departmental working group, and ensure enhanced cooperation to avoid management overlap or waste of resources.


Recommendation 4: In Article 9, it is recommended to emphasize the diversity of national park culture and support the reflection of local culture and community culture in national park publicity and education.


Recommendation 5. In Article 10, it is recommended to clarify key areas of cooperation in international exchanges and cooperation, such as international cooperation in the fields of biodiversity conservation, ecotourism, wilderness protection, and climate change response.


Suggestion 6: In Article 3, it is suggested that the concepts of critical habitatsand ecological corridorsor ecological connectivitybe added when describing natural ecosystems are of the utmost importance. This will more comprehensively reflect the role of national parks in protecting ecological connectivity and habitats of key species.


Recommendation 7: Article 4,it is recommended to expand channels for public participation: encouraging the public to actively participate in the planning, construction and management of national parks, and safeguarding the publics right to know, right to participate and right to supervise.


Recommendation 8: In Chapter 1, General Provisions, it is recommended that climate change factors should also be considered. In the planning and management of national parks, the impact of climate change on the ecosystem should be fully considered and adaptive management measures should be taken.


Recommendation 9: In Article 11, regarding the planning and establishment of national parks, it is recommended to further clarify the standards and basis for "reasonably determining the number and scale of national parks" and to introduce scientific ecological carrying capacity assessments and ecosystem service value assessments as the basis for decision-making.


Recommendation 10. Article 13 Suggestions on naming national parks: On the basis of avoiding the use of administrative division names, it is recommended to consider using the natural characteristics, cultural heritage or species characteristics of the region as the basis for naming, so as to enhance the cultural and educational value of the national park.


Recommendation 11. Article 14 Regarding the delineation of regional boundaries, we recommend that in the process of delineating regional boundaries, consideration be given to surrounding ecological connectivity, biological corridors, and ecological connectivity to ensure ecological connectivity between national parks and surrounding nature reserves, as well as other effective regional conservation measures (OECMs).


Recommendation 12: In Article 17 regarding national park boundary signs, we recommend that a digital sign management system should be introduced to ensure that the boundaries of park boundaries and core protection areas are clearly visible and displayed to the public through an open platform.


Suggestion 13: [Macro suggestions/overall opinions, some content needs to be added] From the second and third articles of the current draft, the objects of protection of national parks mainly include natural ecosystems that are representative of the country, important natural resources, unique natural landscapes, important natural heritage and areas with rich biodiversity. However, the "species" level is not included (or it is not clearly included). We think this is a bit regrettable.


Recommendation 14: Article 33 should include climate mitigation and adaptation plans.


Recommendation 15: [Overall Recommendation] Currently, there is no mention of "vegetation pests and diseases" management in the National Parks Act. It is recommended to add and clarify the management provisions for vegetation pests and diseases, and encourage the use of nature-based solutions (NbS).


Recommendation 16. [Overall Recommendation] Transportation facilities (such as roads and railways) that cross national parks should adopt a variety of facilities to reduce road kill, and provide adequate signs and warnings to enhance public awareness.


Suggestion 17. [Overall Suggestion] Currently, the draft does not mention how to mitigate the impact of linear infrastructure (such as railways, roads, fences, electric towers and wires). It is recommended to add and clarify where appropriate: reduce the impact of linear infrastructure and enhance ecological connectivity.


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zaVQEtCN969suuDZj05lOQ

Translator: Maggie

Editor: Maggie

Checked by:      

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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