Notification on the Annual Inspection of CBCGDF Volunteer Certificate and the Re-employment of the Directors of CBCGDF CCAfas

Recently, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has received applications from volunteers across the country for annual inspection and re-employment of the directors of the Community Conservation Areas. In order to improve work efficiency, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows. Volunteers or directors of CBCGDF CCAfas who need to apply for renewal, please contact the staff in time for processing.

Patrol in snow leopard(Panthera uncia) habitat. Source: CBCGDF Snow Leopard Conservation Area

Volunteers who need to apply for annual inspection and the CBCGDF CCAfa directors who need re-employment, please leave a message under CBCGDF Media or by CBCGDF Wechat. After the successful renewal of the certificate or the re-employment of the directors, the CBCGDF public account will be uniformly released and publicized.

After passing the review, the electronic version of the certificate will be issued and the CBCGDF CCAfa public account will be uniformly released and publicized.

Original article:


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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