Linda Wong Invited to Speak at The 2024 Beijing CBD Forum, Discussing Sustainable Development of Regional Conservation and Green Development Cooperation

Ms. Linda Wong, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and a visiting professor at the Tianjin Foreign Studies University, has recently joined the 2024 Beijing CBD Forum "Dialogue on Sustainable Development of Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation" which took place on June 6, 2024, at the China World Hotel.


This event, an integral part of the Beijing CBD Forum, was organized under the guidance of the China-ASEAN Center and the Chaoyang District Government. Co-hosted by the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chaoyang District Government, the Beijing Central Business District Management Committee, the Jianwai Sub-district Office of Chaoyang District Government, and the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), the forum brought together over 100 distinguished guests, including diplomats from ASEAN embassies, representatives of international organizations, academic experts, and business leaders from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and China.


The forum, themed "Accelerating the Formation of New Productive Forces to Promote Sustainable Development of China-ASEAN Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation," featured two sub-topics: "Urban Practices and Sister City Exchanges for Green Development" and "Open Cooperation in Business Services and International Market Expansion." These discussions focused on the vital issues of international urban exchanges and Chaoyang District's strengths in service industry openness.


In his opening remarks, Zhang Guanbin, Deputy Mayor of Chaoyang District, emphasized Chaoyang's role as a crucial gateway for international exchanges in the capital and highlighted the district's successful cooperation with ASEAN countries. He expressed Chaoyang's readiness to leverage its advantages to provide high-standard, internationalized services in finance, commerce, and technology to bolster China-ASEAN economic and trade cooperation.


During the "Urban Practices and Sister City Exchanges for Green Development" panel, Linda Wong shared insights on advancing urban green practices and fostering multi-level cooperation under the sister city framework. She emphasized the importance of integrating biodiversity conservation and green development into urban planning and international collaborations. Alongside Linda Wong, Dai Jianjun, Secretary-General of the Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and Elizani T.X. Nadia Sumanpo, Economic Counselor of the Indonesian Embassy in China, discussed case studies and valuable experiences in green urban development and international cooperation. The session was moderated by Wu Mengqi, a researcher from CCG.


The event underscored the significance of sustainable development in regional economic and trade cooperation. It provided a platform for exchanging ideas and forging partnerships that align with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Linda Wong's participation highlighted CBCGDF's consistent dedication to promoting biodiversity and green development as essential components of sustainable economic progress.


Video streaming see:


Reported by Maggie

Editor: Ahua


Contact:; +8617319454776


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