First Joint Patrol of the Year Captures the "Cute Faces" of Ili Pikas | CBCGDF Protected Area Volunteer Action

 On 12 June 2024, police officers from the Food, Drug and Environment Brigade of the Jinghe County Public Security Bureau and volunteers of the CBCGDF Jinghe Ili Pika (Ochotona iliensis) jointly carried out their first patrol and wildlife monitoring work in the Tianshan Mountains. This was the first joint police-citizen operation after establishing the reserve, aiming to provide a safe habitat for the Ili Pika, a key wildlife under State Class II protection.

Credit: CBCGDF

During the patrol, infrared cameras captured photos of the Ili pika, showing their robust body and active behaviour.

Editor: LYJ

Check: Maggie

Contact:; +8617319454776


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