Strategic Partnership for Climate Action: CBCGDF and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Forge Ahead Towards COP29

On 17 June 2024, Isa Habibbayli, President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and his delegation visited the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF). 

The two sides held in-depth discussions on climate change, scientific and technological exchanges and green development cooperation, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement. This visit is in preparation for the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) to be held in Baku in November 2024 and aims to deepen the cooperation between China and Azerbaijan in related fields.


Credit to CBCGDF

During the meeting, representatives of Sinopec Carbon Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd. introduced China's progress in the whole carbon industry chain, especially its research work on technologies such as CO2 capture, utilisation and oil-driven sequestration, and put forward the idea of building a new joint scientific research and innovation platform with the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Credit to CBCGDF


The two sides hope to promote integrated solutions for carbon reduction in upstream oil extraction, enhanced recovery and downstream refining through cooperation. This cooperation marks an important step for both sides in addressing global climate change, actively preparing for the upcoming COP29 and laying a solid foundation for future cooperation on environmental protection and sustainable development.


Editor: LYJ

Check: Richard

Contact:; +8617319454776


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