How to Develop an International Declaration on Climate Change | CBCGDF Climate Change Working Group

An international declaration on climate change can serve as a powerful tool to drive global action and protect our planet for future generations. Creating an international declaration on climate change is a complex task that requires a collaborative approach and a clear vision. The first step is to establish a drafting committee comprising representatives from various nations, including those most affected by climate change and those with significant contributions to global emissions.

The committee should begin by reviewing existing climate agreements and declarations to build upon past efforts and avoid duplication. It's crucial to set ambitious yet achievable goals, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy, and enhancing climate resilience.

Engagement with scientific experts is essential to ensure that the declaration is based on the latest climate research. Public consultations can also provide valuable insights from a diverse range of stakeholders, including indigenous communities, youth organizations, and the private sector.

The language of the declaration should be clear, concise, and accessible to ensure widespread understanding and support. It should outline specific commitments, timelines, and mechanisms for accountability, such as regular reporting and review processes.

Finally, the declaration must be presented to the international community for endorsement. This can be achieved through a high-profile summit or conference, where nations can pledge their support and agree to implement the measures outlined in the declaration. 


Translator: Richard

Checked by Sara

Editor: Richard

Contact:; +8617319454776


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