Libellula angelina Appeared Recently in Beijing Houshayu Roma Lake in 2024? CBCGDF Volunteer TIAN Wenjie Expressed Doubts and Reflected on the Biodiversity Impact of Wetland Construction Projects

Recently, Mr. TIAN Wenjie, a volunteer from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) noticed that according to the "Official Release of Shunyi Houshayu Town" on June 29, 2024, the world's critically endangered species, Libellula angelina, was found in the East Roma Lake area of Houshayu. However, Tian has some doubts about this report.

He went to the place not long ago, but did not observe any traces of the  dragonfly  Libellula angelina. Although the existence of the dragonfly was indeed observed in previous years, his long-term observation showed that due to the loss of habitats such as reeds in the construction projects of Shunyi Houshayu Town, their habitats were destroyed, making it difficult for the low-spotted dragonfly in that wetland to continue to survive.

In recent years, the living environment of the dragonfly has been constantly threatened by urbanization, wetland development/construction, and climate warming. The most obvious one is that various urban construction "ecological construction projects" directly destroyed the native habitats of the small wetlands such as reeds needed by the dragonfly.

Two years ago, CBCGDF volunteers reported that the dragonfly Libellula angelina was indeed reported in this area, but the "Houshayu Town Ecological Clean Small Watershed Construction Project" carried out in 2023 destroyed the habitat of the  dragonfly (mainly reeds), and then in 2024 no low-spotted dragonfly was found here.

Original article:


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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