A Large-scale Garbage Disposal Activity Launched in Nihe River, Baoshan | CBCGDF Wetland Conservation Area in Suihua City

Recently, volunteers from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) in Suihua Wetland Protection Area, together with the Baoshan Town Government, Baoshan Village Committee, and villagers, formed a 14 person patrol team to carry out a large-scale garbage cleaning operation around the Nihe River in Baoshan. In this operation, the patrol team patrolled along the river and cleared the garbage within 50 meters of the riverbank. Among them, there are over 100 pesticide bottles in total.

From May 25th to June 13th, the director and volunteers of the CBCGDF Wetland Conservation Area in Suihua City worked tirelessly to inspect a 240 kilometer long area on the north and south banks of the river, from Qing'an County to Xida Lake and Nihe Reservoir. Volunteers discovered issues such as grazing, littering, pesticide bottles, setting up ground cages, and soil erosion, and promptly contacted local government departments to resolve them. The efforts of the volunteers have been widely recognized and supported.

Oringal Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ONFq8QnMIecVRzaRX0rxJw

Translator: Richard

Checked by Sara

Editor: Richard

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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