Villagers Report National Non-commercial Forest Destroyed due to Mining in Guangxi | CBCGDF Legal Working Committee

Recently, the Legal Working Committee of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received a report from villagers in Wanyou Village, Hezhou City, Guangxi Province, about the destruction of local national Non-commercial forests. Villagers reported that in August 2022, without holding a mass meeting or publicizing, the village privately leased 1,410 acres of collective ecological forests (including national Non-commercial forests) to a local mining company. It was not until January 2024 that the local villagers learned that the ecological forest had been leased for mining after the mining company destroyed the forest.


After receiving the report, the CBCGDF Legal Working Committee attached great importance to it and immediately checked the materials which showed that most of the local collective ecological forests belonged to national Non-commercial forests. Further online query shows that in 2022, Hezhou City did issue relevant news and announcements about mining projects.


The Legal Working Committee of CBCGDF attaches great importance to the villagers’ reports and hopes that the local government will investigate as soon as possible, stop the acts of damaging the ecological environment, and make the investigation report public.


Original article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by Daisy

Editor: Sara 

Contact:; +8617319454776


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