CBCGDF Suggests the Establishment of a Joint Rescue Mechanism for Raptors | Migratory Bird Lifeline

On June 5, 2024, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Research Department and the State Grid "Migratory Bird Lifeline" project were invited to participate in the "2024 West-to-East Power Transmission Bridgehead State Grid Chongqing Power Migratory Bird Lifeline Project Promotion Meeting" held by the Chongqing Electric Power State Grid to exchange and discuss the implementation direction and implementation strategy of the second phase of Chongqing's "Migratory Bird Lifeline" project.

The CBCGDF Research Department pointed out that when conducting field research in Chongqing in 2023, we found that Chongqing is mountainous and water-rich, with rich forest resources and wild bird resources, and the actual bird-related failure rate has been declining. Therefore, it is recommended that during the implementation of the second phase of the "Migratory Bird Lifeline" project in Chongqing, based on local resource endowments, Chongqing Electric Power will help build the city's icon of "Eagle Flying City". In terms of raptor conservation in Chongqing, it will cooperate with forestry departments and social organizations to jointly participate in the annual monitoring, education and related seminars of raptor migration activities, and work together to establish a "power grid + social organization + professional rescue agency" raptor joint rescue mechanism.

It is recommended to cooperate with a third party to conduct preemptive and preventive research on the bird situation along the ultra-high voltage lines in advance; at the same time, it is recommended that Chongqing Power Grid continue to carry out ecological training for internal employees of the power grid, and rely on Chongqing's excellent mountain and water resources to carry out various types of community ecological community protection.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Q7S9wnSjLLT85RHRWYqcZA


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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