CBCGDF Wetland Conservation Area in Suihua City Reports: Our Patrols Achieved Remarkable Results, and Illegal Fishing in the Hulan River Has Gradually Decreased

On June 2, 2024, volunteers from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Wetland Conservation Area (CCAfa) in  Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, came to patrol near the Hulan River Bridge in Qinjia Town, Beilin District.

At 8:30 in the morning, volunteers gathered and prepared to start the day's work. According to the plan, the volunteers first visited the children at Baoshan Road Children's Welfare Home and brought them Children's Day gifts. After that, they went to the destination to carry out patrol work for a day.

Along the Hulan River, CBCGDF volunteers still saw a large amount of randomly discarded garbage during their patrols. These garbage dumps not only pollute the environment, but also affect the appearance. Volunteers appeal to the general public to deposit garbage in designated places and not to throw away garbage randomly. 

In order to clean up illegal nets deployed in the river, volunteers walked along the river bank and searched with hooks. Since the fishing ban, with the joint efforts of volunteers and local fishery law enforcement departments, publicity and law enforcement have been continuously strengthened, and illegal fishing has been reduced a lot. During this patrol of 5 kilometers of the river, 2 cage nets were discovered and cleaned.

The use of illegal fishing gear poses a serious threat to the balance of river ecosystems and the sustainable development of fishery resources. The volunteers hope that everyone will continue to abide by relevant regulations, restrain their behavior, and refrain from illegal fishing, littering, and things that damage the environment.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LzUl0QAjvw-ofVLouVdXTw


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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