Charting a Path to Carbon Neutrality: Key Insights from Liu Zhenmin’s Hydrogen Energy Visit

On June 14th, China’s Special Envoy for Climate Change Affairs, Liu Zhenmin, conducted an inspection and research visit to the International Hydrogen Energy Center in Beijing. During this visit, Liu Zhenmin listened to presentations from several key figures: Jin Qinxian, Director of the International Hydrogen Energy Center; Zheng Peng, Chairman of the Board of Pengfei Group; Yang Pingjian, Chief Expert at the Environmental Management Center of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences; Jiang Hao, Head of Environment and Climate Issues at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Investment and Technology Promotion Office (Beijing); Zhou Jinfeng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF); and Xue Zhiqiang, Vice Mayor of Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province.

The presentations covered various topics, including the development of clean energy, the implementation of the hydrogen energy industry, carbon neutrality research, regional development transformation, and international exchanges. Following these briefings, Liu Zhenmin engaged in discussions, considering China’s current status, prospects, and challenges in energy transition and achieving carbon neutrality.

Liu Zhenmin emphasized the increasingly evident adverse effects of climate change and the growing urgency for energy transition. He highlighted that accelerating the realization of carbon neutrality through energy transition has become a global consensus. The research, application, and cultivation of leading hydrogen energy enterprises hold significant potential for development. Liu encouraged further exploration of methodologies suitable for China’s hydrogen energy industry.

Additionally, Liu noted the critical role of Shanxi Province in China’s carbon neutrality efforts. As a major coal-producing province, Shanxi faces severe challenges in energy transition, which simultaneously presents a historic opportunity. Strengthening policy support, technology research, and application implementation to explore a new industrial chain for energy transition in Shanxi would have demonstrative and motivational significance.

Liu Zhenmin encouraged all parties present to enhance dialogue and mutual support, considering the international context and national conditions. He urged them to strengthen innovation and collaborate to tackle the climate crisis and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

Reported by Tammy 

Reviewed by Li Liangzhong

Translated by Linda


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