The Functions of Bio-Acoustic Monitoring in Understanding Marine Mammal Populations | CBCGDF Climate Change Working Group

Bio-acoustic monitoring, the use of sound to study wildlife populations, is revolutionizing our understanding of marine mammal behavior and distribution. Marine mammals, such as whales, dolphins, and seals, rely heavily on sound for communication, navigation, and foraging, making acoustic data a powerful tool for monitoring their presence and activities.

Deployed underwater microphones, known as hydrophones, can capture the vocalizations of marine mammals over vast areas and long periods. This technology allows researchers to study populations without the need for direct observation, which can be logistically challenging and disruptive to the animals.

Bio-acoustic monitoring is particularly valuable in the context of climate change and human-induced noise pollution. Changes in vocalization patterns can indicate shifts in habitat use, changes in social structures, or stress responses to environmental pressures. Additionally, the analysis of ambient noise levels can provide insights into the impacts of shipping, seismic surveys, and other anthropogenic activities on marine ecosystems.

The potential of bio-acoustic monitoring extends beyond scientific research. It can inform conservation strategies, assist in the management of protected areas, and support the sustainable use of marine resources. By listening to the sounds of the ocean, we can gain a deeper understanding of the health and dynamics of marine mammal populations and take action to protect these acoustically rich and ecologically important species.

As the oceans become increasingly complex environments to navigate, bio-acoustic monitoring offers a non-invasive and effective means to ensure the continued vibrancy of marine life and the preservation of the underwater soundscapes that are vital to their survival.


Translator: Richard

Checked by Sara

Editor: Richard

Contact:; +8617319454776


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