How to Talk about “Meaning” with Teenagers? | The Third “Biodiversity Luminaries Lecture Series”

At 9 am on August 24, the third session of “Biodiversity Luminaries Lecture Series of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Museum of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) began. The guest speaker is Ms. Zhang Yuanyuan, Executive editor of Meaning of Life and One Health, Executive Secretary of General Education of One Health Working Committee of CBCGDF, Researcher of general education of One Health Research Institute of Wenzhou Medical University, and co-creation tutor of Life Care Education and Practice Course of Suzhou University of Science and Technology.

Ms Zhang deeply analyzes the perception and value of life, and guide the audience to rethink the meaning of life in the busy work and life, and learn to respect and cherish every life on earth.

Original Chinese Article:
Edited by: YJ
Checked By: Maggie
Contact:; +8617319454776



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