Shenzhen Customs seized 4.8 kg of endangered Isurus oxyrinchus

 Shenzhen Bay Customs found a batch of shark fin products when checking the luggage of inbound passengers. After identification by a professional organization, these shark fins were actually from Isurus oxyrinchus, totaling 231 pieces and weighing about 4.8 kilograms.


Isurus oxyrinchus is a widespread shark found in temperate to tropical waters. It is usually found from the surface to a depth of 150 meters, but has been recorded at depths of 740 meters. Its streamlined, muscular body allows it to move through the water at incredible speeds. It often leaps several meters out of the water, a behavior that is both to shake off parasites and to catch birds in the air. Isurus oxyrinchus is migratory and will migrate long distances depending on the seasons and food availability. Its teeth are long, sharp, and triangular, making them ideal for catching fast-moving prey. As a top predator in the ocean, it mainly feeds on bony fish such as tuna and swordfish. Large individuals can even prey on dolphins and turtles.


Currently, Isurus oxyrinchus has been listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and is an endangered species under international protection.


Behind the illegal shark fin products is the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) - the illegal hunting, collection, transportation, sale, import and export of wild animals and plants and their products without permission in violation of national laws and regulations. This behavior not only destroys the ecological balance, but also leads to the extinction of many species.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Maggie

Editor: Maggie

Checked by: Richard    

Contact:; +8617319454776


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