The Ancient Village of Muliku Receives More Than 200,000 Tourists Each Year|CBCGDF CCAfa

 According to the elders in the village, the village was first built in the 15th year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty. The villagers were originally surnamed Huan, and they fled to the mountains because of committing a crime. For hundreds of years, the villagers raised chickens and grew rice in this high mountain village, living a self-sufficient life. As of 2023, the village still has no roads and can only be accessed by a plank road.


In recent years, with the rise of tourism in various places, Muli Village, located in the mountains and sea of clouds, has gradually become known.


Muli Village is most famous for the wonders of the sea of ​​clouds formed by its special geographical location: because the village is located on the top of the Huangshan Mountain, with an altitude of nearly 1,000 meters, the village is suspended in the air on three sides and is surrounded by clouds all year round, so it is called "the village on the cliff" and "the city in the sky"; secondly, the village is surrounded by green bamboos, and all the houses in the village are Hui-style buildings, facing north and south; there is also a small alpine lake in the valley behind the village, which is mainly used for irrigation; the folk customs in the village are simple, and the villagers have a drying platform in front of their houses, and traditional folk customs such as making rice wine, making glutinous rice cakes, making tofu, and making straw sandals are well preserved.


In January 2017, in order to protect the original rural culture and maintain the natural features of the village, CBCGDF established the Muli Village Native Culture Protection Area upon application by Muli Village. After the establishment of the protection area, the village leaders combined the spontaneously rising ancient village tourism, warmly welcomed tourists from all over the country, and paid more attention to the protection of the original village appearance and native culture of Muli Village, so as to maintain the natural texture and Hui style of the village unchanged.


In 2024, the person in charge of the Muli Village Nature Reserve stated that the village, together with the nearby Zuyuan Village, has been included in the local Hemei Rural Construction Plan. In the future, it will rely on its unique ecological environment and advantages of the sea of ​​clouds to comprehensively develop rural tourism.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Maggie

Editor: Maggie

Checked by: Richard     

Contact:; +8617319454776


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