
Showing posts from August, 2024

CBCGDF Deputy Secretary-General Attends GBIF Asia Regional Nodes Meeting on August 28 & 29, 2024

On August 28 & 29, 2024, the Asian Node Meeting of the Global Biodiversity Information Platform (GBIF) was successfully held at the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The meeting was hosted by GBIF Secretariat and co-organized by the National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Biodiversity Committee of CAS and the Member Committee of the IUCN Asia, attracting 38 representatives of GBIF node representatives, regional support teams and regional networks. The Deputy Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) was invited to attend the meeting and discuss the future development of biodiversity information sharing and regional cooperation.   The Asia nodes meeting aims to strengthen the Asia GBIF community and provide a forum for GBIF nodes in Asia and the GBIF Secretariat to share latest updates and best practices. By exploring opportunities for synergies between existing and

Green Paper 2025 Launched! Analyze China’s Green Economy Development

On August 26, 2024, the “ Analysis of China ’ s Green Economy Development in 2025 ”  (2025 Green Paper) e ditorial launch meeting was held at the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation ( CBCGDF ).   Dr. ZHOU  Jinfeng, Secretary-General of CBCGDF , Mr. X IAO  Qing, Deputy Secretary-General   of CBCGDF , Prof. WANG  Binkang, deputy editor-in-chief and responsible editor of Green Paper , Mr. ZHUANG  Shuangbo of China Civil Business Magazine, and colleagues from Publicity Department and International Department of CBCGDF  participated in the meeting. The compilation of the “ Green Development Series ”  is a project officially launched by the Green Enterprise Working Committee of the CBCGDF in 2022, among which the compilation of the Green Paper is particularly important. The Green Paper has been issued for two consecutive years .  After the publication of “ Analysis of China ’ s Green Economy Development in 2024 ”  in March this year, the editorial board has been

Rejecting Excessive Packaging, Mooncake Market Returning to Rationality | CBCGDF Legal Working Committee

Recently, a piece of news titled "Reject excessive packaging! This year's mooncake market is going "simple style"" has become a hot search. Many high-end mooncakes no longer use rare ingredients such as bird's nests and shark fins as fillings as in previous years; many mooncakes have also been "slimmed down" by reducing the combination of salt, sweetness, and oil, and reducing the combination of famous wines, famous teas, and precious medicinal materials.   Mooncakes have gone through a long journey from the luxurious packaging of three layers inside and three layers outside to the light packaging today. As early as 2009, in order to reduce resource consumption in commodity packaging and accelerate the construction of a resource-saving and environmentally friendly society, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on the Management of Excessive Packaging of Commodities" . However, in order to create a high-end image of pr

XIE Boyang Delivered a Speech to Congratulate the Establishment of the CBCGDF Green Link International Cooperation Fund

On August 27, 2024, The Academic Conference on Building Ecological Security and Green Development & The Green Link International Cooperation Fund Establishment Conference was held at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Mr. XIE Boyang, Chairman of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation(CBCGDF), was invited to attend and deliver a speech. "Dear experts, professors, researchers and friends from the news media, good morning, on behalf of one of the organizers of this conference, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for participating in today's grand event. We would like to especially thank the "Belt and Road" International Scientists Alliance, the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Geography and Earth Ecology of the Mongolian Acad

Protecting Wildlife Is Our Responsibility| CBCGDF CCAfa

  In 2016, in order to strengthen the protection of local birds, CBCGDF established the Tangshan Waterbird Conservation Area based on the Daqing River Bird Rescue Station. The daily work of the conservation area mainly includes patrols, bird survival surveys, bird rescue and shelter, and popular science publicity. By the end of 2023, more than 100 species of wild birds have been successfully rescued, adopted and released by the conservation area rescue station, with a total number of tens of thousands. Among them are national key protected birds such as Oriental White Stork, Red-crowned Crane, Relict Gull, Great Bustard, and Swan.   Everyone also visited the scientific research facilities and bird rescue shelter of the Daqing River Rescue Center, and learned how to monitor changes in bird populations through scientific research, and how to rescue and rehabilitate injured or sick birds.   During the exchange session, Director Tian Zhiwei gave an in-depth and easy-to-understand explanati

Lv Tongyu and Friends from Taiwan Visited Beijing Nanhaizi Milu Park Museum to Promote Peaceful Reunification of the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait

  Lv Tongyu, son of Lv Zhengcao, Honorary Chairman of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and Director of the Management Committee of The Green Link International Cooperation Fund, visited the Beijing Nanhaizi Milu Park Museum on August 29, 2024 to review the history of China's critically endangered protected species, the elk.   O riginal Chinese Article: Translator: Maggie Editor: Maggie Checked by: Richard       Contact: v; +8617319454776 Contribution Do you know? We rely on crowd-funding and donations. You have the opportunity to help an international movement to advance biodiversity conservation. Donate TODAY to power up the movement to make it a better world for all life. Donation(501C3)Paypal:    

Occurrence Data of Bellamya aeruginosa in Beijing Haidian Park Released on Global Biodiversity Information Facility | CBCGDF GBIF Working Group

In Late August 2024, the occurrence data of Bellamya aeruginosa recorded in Haidian Park, Beijing was released to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The data was recorded by citizen scientist and reported to the GBIF Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF). Thanks to the water ecological restoration research group of East China Normal University for providing suggestions and references.   The Bellamya aeruginosa is a species of freshwater snail with a gill and an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Viviparidae. It is widely distributed and common species in China and in northern Vietnam inhabiting various shallow freshwater habitats, where it can reach high densities. It is a keystone species in its habitat and can significantly affect water quality and phytoplankton communities.   It plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems. It usually lives in the bottom mud of still or slow-fl

Please Knock Open the Cement Layer and Give Trees the Right to Breathe | CBCGDF BASE

In November,2023, when I passed by an old community in Huaiyin District, Jinan City, I found that during the renovation of the old community, when the cement was hardened on the internal road surface of the community, the bottom of the tree root was completely "sealed".   In order to fight for the tree a little freedom to absorb water through their roots, I wrote an article about this. A month later, when I passed by this community again, I found that a small circle less than 5 cm wide was chiseled around the root of the tree.   During the summer vacation this year, when I passed by this community again, I found that due to pipeline maintenance, the community road surface was hardened again, and the tree returned to its previous fate and the roots of the tree were completely sealed by cement again. Sealing the roots of the tree will make rainwater cannot penetrate into the ground, and the roots cannot absorb water. In recent years, extreme high temperatures have s

China Issues White Paper on Energy Transition

China   released a white paper titled “ China ’ s Energy Transition ”   on August 29, 2024 . The white paper is divided into six parts in addition to the preface and conclusion , respectively are China ’ s path of energy transition in the new era, promoting green energy consumption, moving faster to build a new energy supply system, developing new quality productive forces in the energy sector, modernizing energy governance, contributing to a global community of shared future. A ccording to the white paper , s ince 2013, China has contributed over 40 percent of the annual increase in global renewable energy capacity . From 2014 to 2023, the share of non-fossil fuels in global energy consumption rose from 13.6 percent to 18.5 percent, with China contributing 45.2 percent to this increase. More info: Edited by : YJ Checked By:   Maggie Contact:; +8617319454776 Contribution Do you know? We rely on crow