Talks on Invasive Species | CBCGDF to hold a Satellite Event on the First World Species Congress

On May 22, 2024 (the International Day for Biological Diversity), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) will collaborate with the Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology (ARCST) and BGI to hold a virtual satellite event themed on "Talks on Invasive Species" of the first World Species Congress.

Nowadays, invasive alien species pose a significant threat to biodiversity, particularly in terms of species extinction and ecosystem disruption. Their introduction can lead to the displacement of native species, loss of habitat, altered ecosystem functions, and ultimately undermine conservation efforts.

This online event is to provide an engaging platform for experts and scholars to discuss ecological conservation and invasive species control in the world, with a focus on the role of climate change as a key factor. Each session aims to encourage knowledge sharing, collaboration, and actionable outcomes towards sustainable environmental practices. General public is also highly welcome to participate and communicate through Q&A sessions.

The Event is going to be held on Wed, 22 May 2024 20:00 - 22:00 (GMT+8), with the Registration Link as

The Event Information Page:

Satellite Events of the First World Species Congress

In 2008, at the World Conservation Congress in Barcelona, IUCN Members adopted Resolution 4.019 calling for a World Species Congress to fill the need for a science-based, interdisciplinary, inclusive gathering to highlight the status of species and chart the future course of species conservation. Reverse the Red’s convening of a World Species Congress will be a forum for collaboration to drive conservation action forward, as we work together to meet expectations of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), signed on 19 December 2022.

Original Link:

Translator: Richard

Checked by Samantha

Editor: Richard

Contact:; +8617319454776


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