Fishing Ban in Action! Volunteers and Police Jointly Cleaned up 21 illegal Nets | CBCGDF Wetland Conservation Area in Suihua

On June 26, 2024, the volunteers from the Suihua Wetland Conservation Area of ​​the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), the Fishery Law Enforcement Brigade of Beilin District, Suihua City, and the police from Hongguang Township Police Station in Bayan County jointly carried out river patrol work during the fishing ban season to protect the ecological environment of the Nanni River Basin.


The fishing ban season is an important period for protecting aquatic biological resources, maintaining aquatic biodiversity and ecological balance. During this action, the patrol team cleared 13 illegal nets, 8 gown nets, and rescued more than 200 kilograms of catches which were released back into the river on the spot.


The patrol team also dissuaded several illegal fishermen, and patiently promoted relevant laws and policies on the fishing ban season, making them realize the importance of protecting aquatic biological resources.


Original article:

Translator: Sara

Checked by Daisy

Editor: Sara 

Contact:; +8617319454776


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