The Research Department of CBCGDF Proposed Modification Suggestions on the "Guidelines for the Construction of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Standard System in the Industrial Field (2023 Edition)"

In order to actively respond to global climate change, China proposes to strive for peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. In order to effectively implement related decisions and deployments, and fully leverage the leading and normative role of standards in promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the industrial field, the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has organized the preparation of the Guidelines for the Construction of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Standard System in the Industrial Field (2023 Edition), and issued a notice on May 22, 2023 to publicly solicit opinions from all sectors of society. The Research Department of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) proposed more than a dozen of modification suggestions on the Guidelines, some of which are shown as follows:

Credit: Canvas

1. About the Article 2, Chapter 1

      To add "the design of the ecology of products", "local standards", "enterprise standards" to the original text.

      2. About the Article 2, Chapter 1

      To add a sentence as “Steadily advancing and prioritizing urgent needs. To strengthen low-carbon transformation in the industrial sector, maintain the basic stability of manufacturing industry, and the synergy between the industrial chain and supply chain, and steadily promote the standardization work related to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”. And to modify the next sentence as “to focus on key carbon emission industries such as steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, energy, electricity, etc.”.

      3. About the Article 2, Chapter 1

      To add “to encourage and support group standards to be implemented and tested first”.

      4. About the Article 2, Chapter 1

      To modify the text “to deeply participate in global low-carbon standards” to “to deeply participate in and set global low-carbon standards”

      5. About the Article 3, Chapter 1

      To add the sentence as “By 2035, to establish a relatively complete carbon neutrality standard system in the industrial field, and make these standards become the world's leading low-carbon standards.”

      6. About the Point 2, Article 2, Chapter 2

      To add “parks” into the assessment scope.

      7. About the Point 2, Article 2, Chapter 2

      To add “check content” between the “check basis” and “check procedure”.

      8. About the Point 3, Article 2, Chapter 2

      To classify the technical and equipment standards related to renewable resource utilization and industrial solid waste reuse in "3.1.1 Standard for Raw/Fuel Substitution and Renewable Energy Utilization", as well as the standards for coal waste and comprehensive resource utilization in "3.1.2 Standard for Clean and Low Carbon Utilization of Fossil Energy" into "3.4.4 Collaborative Resource Conservation and Carbon Reduction".

      9. About the Point 5, Article 2, Chapter 2

      To add “Carbon Compensate / Carbon Offset” after the “Carbon Asset Management”.

      10. About the Point 5, Article 2, Chapter 2

      To add “low carbon packaging transportation evaluation, energy-saving technology evaluation, energy-saving quantity evaluation” and “environmental impact evaluation of carbon emissions”.

      11. About the Point 5, Article 2, Chapter 2

        To add “energy audit, carbon sink transaction, carbon financial services” after the “CCER”.

        12. About Chapter 3

        To add a chapter “Coordinating Financial Support”.

        13. About Article 1, Chapter 3

        To add "local standards", "enterprise standards" to the original text.

          Original Chinese Article:

          Translator: Richard

          Checked by Victoria

          Contact:; +8617319454776


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