ESG and High-Quality Development Seminar and 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years Reading Conference Was Held in Beijing

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Investment and Technology Promotion Office of Beijing (UNIDO ITPO Beijing), China Social Enterprise and Influence Investment Forum (CSEIF), Beijing Jieteng Cultural Media Co., Ltd. and China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) co-sponsored “ESG and High-Quality Development Seminar and 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years Reading Conference”, was held successfully in Beijing on June 28. Over 6900 audience watched online.

The Seminar and reading conference focused on the book 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years as well as the topic “ESG and Quality Development”.

William Xiao, Deputy Secretary-General of CBCGDF, was invited to attend the event and give a keynote speech.

Prof. Jorgen Randers delivered a video address on “2052 Book”.

“2052” is written by Jorgen Randers, a world-renowned scholar of climate strategy. The book was completed in 2012, 11 years have passed, and the future described in the book is still 29 years away.

In April 2023, Beijing Jieteng Cultural Media Co., Ltd revised and republished it, and invited Dr. Zhou Jifeng, Secretary general of CBCGDF to give a foreword, hoping to attract more attention and reading and maintain a sober, rational, and objective cognition in the rapid march of mankind to the future.

The video is replayed at:

The link for 2052 book:

Original Chinese Article:
Checked by Maggie
Editor: YJ
Contact:; +8617319454776

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