Mangrove Conservation Fund Planned for Establishment by China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation
Conserving mangroves in China faces numerous challenges, including human activities' impact, encroachment from aquaculture, limited overall area, habitat degradation, declining biodiversity, and the introduction of alien invasive species. In response to these pressing threats and the urgent need for protection, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has put forth plans to establish a Mangrove Conservation Fund.
Mangroves represent ecosystems of great ecological significance, playing a crucial role in sustainable development, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity preservation. Chinese President Xi Jinping has consistently underscored the importance of mangroves and the imperative of their conservation, advocating for a scientific approach, responsible action, and prioritizing mangrove protection.
Credit: Committee for the Construction of Ecological Civilization of CBCGDF
Aligned with the United Nations' call for the "Decade on Ecosystem Restoration," the CBCGDF aims to establish the Mangrove Conservation Fund, with operations set to focus on coastal regions, notably Guangxi. The fund's scope encompasses supporting and financing mangrove conservation and restoration efforts, conducting scientific research, educational initiatives, and promotional campaigns related to mangroves, backing marine biodiversity conservation, and contributing to the development of ecological civilization in China.
The Mangrove Conservation Fund aims to raise a total of 1 billion RMB in funds. Prospective donors include clean energy production companies, socially responsible enterprises dedicated to green development, as well as other charitable organizations and individuals committed to public welfare and ocean conservation. Achieving the fundraising target will facilitate the implementation of mangrove conservation initiatives.
Credit: Committee for the Construction of Ecological Civilization of CBCGDF
As one of China's invaluable ecological resources, the protection of mangroves assumes paramount importance. Through the establishment of the Mangrove Conservation Fund, the CBCGDF seeks to unite diverse stakeholders, reinforce efforts in mangrove conservation, restoration, and scientific research, and promote biodiversity conservation and green development. These endeavors will contribute to preserving ecological balance, advancing sustainable development, and addressing climate change and natural disasters.
To protect mangrove forests, CBCGDF has carried out various initiatives, focusing on three key areas: (1) providing judicial protection through Environmental Public Interest Litigations; (2) raising public awareness about mangrove conservation through public projects, environmental education, and biodiversity conservation campaigns; (3) supporting the establishment of Community Conservation Areas (CCAfa) to engage the public in protecting mangrove ecosystems. Some of the efforts undertaken just in 2015-2016 include, but are not limited to:
In 2015, after the enactment of the new Environmental Protection Law, eligible social organizations were empowered to pursue biodiversity conservation through legal means. The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), along with the China Mangrove Conservation Alliance, filed a public interest litigation case against the environmental damage caused by tourism development in mangrove forests. The lawsuit was filed with the Intermediate People's Court of Haikou at the end of May 2015.
In April 2016, based on the First Phase Survey Report of the Beihai Mangrove Ecological Redemption Project, the CBCGDF allocated the initial funding for the public project called "Beihai Mangrove Ecological Redemption." This project aimed to promote and awaken public and coastal management authorities' awareness of the importance of mangroves through a documentary film focusing on the mangrove forests and marine life in the Beibu Gulf. It sought to showcase the significant role of mangrove ecosystems in nature, prevent ecological risks and disasters resulting from excessive development, and protect the ecological integrity of mangroves and marine life.
On May 22, 2016 (International Day for Biological Diversity), the CBCGDF organized a commemorative event with the theme "Protecting Biodiversity in the South China Sea" to raise awareness about marine biodiversity conservation. During the event, Deputy Director Wang Xiaoqiang from the Department of Ecological and Environmental Protection of the State Oceanic Administration highlighted the concerning situation by stating, "Compared to the 1970s, coral reefs have suffered an accumulated loss of 80% in total area, while mangroves have experienced a 73% loss. The overall situation is severe." In recent years, due to the increasing human activities and the intensifying impact of global climate change, biodiversity and habitats in the South China Sea have been gradually degraded and have entered a suboptimal state, particularly the representative coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass ecosystems.
On December 13, 2016, during the "China-ASEAN Seminar on the Development Partnership of Ecologically Friendly Cities" held in Shenzhen, the Deputy Secretary-General of CBCGDF proposed four recommendations for mangrove conservation. These recommendations included establishing a cooperative network for mangrove protection and striving for the establishment of a China-ASEAN mangrove protection network, incorporating mangrove conservation into China's protected areas system, establishing biodiversity conservation demonstration areas in regions with rich biodiversity, and employing legal measures to punish and deter illegal activities that harm mangrove resources.
Credit: Committee for the Construction of Ecological Civilization of CBCGDF
In conclusion, CBCGDF has taken significant steps to protect mangrove forests, including legal action, public awareness campaigns, and community engagement. By advocating for judicial protection, raising public awareness, and implementing conservation projects, the foundation has contributed to the preservation of mangrove ecosystems and the promotion of sustainable development. However, ongoing efforts and collaborations are essential to address the challenges faced by mangroves and ensure their long-term survival and ecological health. The to-set CBCGDF Mangrove Conservation Fund aims to support the protection of the precious eco-systems through a biodiversity finance mechanism.
#Mangroves# #EcologigalRestoration#
Reported by Wendy
Editor: Richard Li
Contact:; +8617319454776
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