
Protecting Biodiversity and Practicing Green Environmental Protection Concepts | Green Youth Base Takes the Lead in Demonstration

Recently, staff from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) visited the Baiyangdian Wetland Natural Science Popularization Green Youth Base for study. The head of the base, Mr. Wang, introduced a series of work in wildlife rescue, natural science education, and especially milk carton recycling.   Since 2019, the Baiyangdian Wetland Natural Science Popularization Green Youth Base has been focusing on the exploration of recycling and reuse of paper-based composite packaging represented by milk cartons, promoting the large-scale recycling of such packaging materials, and unblocking recycling, transportation, reprocessing and other links to promote the recycling and reuse of recyclables.   In addition, in terms of wildlife rescue and natural science education, the Baiyangdian Wetland Natural Science Popularization Green Youth Base and the Baiyangdian Wetland Ecological Wildlife Protection Volunteer Team have also done a lot of fruitful work.

2024 World Food Forum Flagship Event Opens on October 14 | CBCGDF Representative Reports On-site

From October 14 to October 18, 2024, the World Food Forum 2024 Flagship event, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), was held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. Miss. Xiao Yingjia, a youth representative of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDFF), had previously drafted a youth declaration specifically for this forum and went to Rome to attend the meeting, sending the latest report from the scene.   The theme of this year's World Food Forum is "Enjoying Nutritious Food, Food Security for All, and Benefiting Future Generations", and the conference will focus on the nutritional balance, safety, sustainability and affordable quality food for everyone.   At 10:00 am on October 14, the youth-led World Food Youth Conference officially opened. During the opening ceremony, by interacting and sharing ideas with elites from all walks of life, young people and youth supporters from all over th

Community-Led Efforts to Save Migratory Spotted Seals in China Coastal Waters | CBCGDF CCAfa

In February 2019, a tragic incident of wildlife poaching in Dalian, China, shocked the world. One hundred spotted seal pups were illegally captured by poachers driven by the demand for marine parks and animal exhibitions. By the time these pups were discovered, more than half had already died due to poor treatment, highlighting the devastating impact of the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) on coastal biodiversity. This incident underscores the severe threats facing spotted seals, including not only poaching but also climate change and the degradation of nearshore ecosystems. In response to these alarming threats, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) launched several key initiatives aimed at protecting the spotted seal population and promoting marine biodiversity conservation. Central to these efforts was the establishment of five Community Conservation Areas (CCAs) in key locations such as Beidaihe, Dalian, Lushun, Yingkou, and Panjin. These CCAs ha

ZHOU Jinfeng Invites Winnie Kiap to Attend 40th Anniversary Celebration of CBCGDF

Recently, Dr. ZHOU  Jinfeng, Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBDGF) , invited H.E. Winnie Kiap, former Chair, Board of Governors, the Commonwealth, (Papua New Guinea)   and Academician  of the World Academy of Sustainable Development (WAOSD), to attend the 40th anniversary celebration of CBCDGF .   The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation was established in 1985 to welcome the return of the endangered species Milu deer. 2025 marks the 40th anniversary of the foundation, and a celebration is planned to be held in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Edited by : YJ Checked By:   Maggie Contact:; +8617319454776 Contribution Do you know? We rely on crowd-funding and donations. You have the opportunity to help an international movement to advance biodiversity conservation. Donate TODAY to power up the movement to make it a better world for all life. Donation(501C3)Paypal:

Gastrochilus Balangshanensis Found in China's Giant Panda Habitat

According to the Sichuan Wolong National Nature Reserve Administration, Chinese researchers have discovered a new species of orchid in a giant panda habitat in southwest China's Sichuan Province. The discovery was published in the latest issue of the international scientific journal PhytoKeys. Source:CMG The new species, named Gastrochilus balangshanensis by the researchers, was first discovered in March 2023 in the forests of Balang Mountain in the Giant Panda National Park. The research team concluded that it is a new species of the genus Gastrochilus in the family Orchidaceae after extensive observation, literature review, comparison with similar species and systematic molecular analysis. Edited by : YJ Checked By:   Maggie Contact:; +8617319454776 Contribution Do you know? We rely on crowd-funding and donations. You have the opportunity to help an international movement to advance biodiversity conservation. Donate TODAY to power up the movement to make it a bette

CBCGDF Invited to Attend iGEM HP Webinar on Synthetic Sacred | UTC 12:00 pm, October 17

China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) International Department, at the invitation of the iGEM HP Committee, will participate in the iGEM H uman P ractices   W ebinar : Synthetic Sacred ,   to be held at UTC 12:00 pm October 17, 2024. The webinar invited Keith Williams and Michelle Braunstein and Lucy Rose Sollitt from Future Everything to explore the concept of "Synthetic Sacred" and its potential impact on synthetic biology. Keith and Michelle will present their research paper "Yuyi Xuansi: Indigenous Thought, New Materialism and Challenges to Synthetic Sacred". The webinar lasts 1.5 hours. Registration : It is widely acknowledged that the boundary between the human-made and natural worlds has increasingly blurred over the past centuries, and nowadays synthetic biology emerges as a cutting-edge frontier of creating human-made nature. Traditionally, the

CBCGDF CBD COP16 Delegation Invited to Attend the Side Event to Be Held by Bat Conservation International in Cali,Colombia

In October 2024, Ms. Linda, deputy secretary-general of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) , received an invitation from the scientist team of Bat Conservation International (BCI) to attend a bat side event at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) to be held in Cali, Colombia.   The COP16 will be held in Cali, Colombia from October 21 to November 1, 2024, bringing together governments, experts, scholars and non-governmental organizations from all over the world to discuss and promote the realization of global biodiversity conservation and sustainable development goals. As one of the important links of the COP16 , the side event hosted by Bat Conservation International (BCI) will be held on the morning of October 23, 2024, with the theme of "How Bat Conservation Contributes to  Global Biodiversity and Sustainable Development Goals". This event will focus on the key role of