Heated Discussions on the First Day of INC-2 in Paris | Report from Delegation of CBCGDF On-site

On the afternoon of May 29th at 14:30 Beijing time, the second session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. Here is the compiled news and information of the session based on the feedback from delegates of CBCGDF delegation on site.

At the opening ceremony, President Emmanuel Macron, France, delivered a video speech, in which he mentioned that we need to reduce new plastic production and adjust plastic recycling targets. France was pleased to host this session and hoped that everyone will continue to work hard to achieve our goals and take our actions to save our planet.

Ms. Inger Andersen, the UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNEP, delivered a speech, calling for innovation and creation of valuable opportunities to reduce plastic pollution in INC process. She said that this week's work is to develop a zero draft of the ILBI (International Legally Binding Instrument), and by 2024, we must produce results and demonstrate your ambition and innovation to the world to carry out our work. We should not waste more time, take responsibility, and let the earth benefit from your efforts.

The most intense and lengthy part on the first day of the meeting was the election of officers and the adoption of the rules of procedure for the session. Sweden and the US were elected as vice chairs for Western Europe and Others Group, and the Eastern European Group also conducted secret ballot elections to elect bureau members.

The agenda 3A of the session is to adopt the rules of procedure, with the goal of adopting it as soon as possible. According to the resolution of INC-1, the draft rules of procedure will continue to be negotiated in plenary session, which will be used temporarily during INC-2.

Agenda 3C is the meeting's consultation on provisional rules of procedure. The current rules of procedure are provisional and will be used at the INC-2 meeting, which is the resolution of the INC-1. However, regarding this, the temporary adoption of draft rules of procedure has sparked intense discussions in the venue, as the rules of procedure determine the direction of negotiations and the draft version is meaningless. Currently, the provisional rules of procedure are being modified by representatives of member states from different countries. There is currently no consensus on it for now.

Until the end of the first day, no consensus was reached on the adoption of the rules of procedure. The President of the meeting suggested that due to time constraints, the newly elected members of the Bureau would need to discuss it and adjourn the meeting until the next day. In response to the proposal of many member states to place Article 38 of the provisional rules in parentheses, many member states believe that the motion has not been heard, and there are still ten representatives seeking to speak. The agenda of the next day's meeting will continue to listen to the opinions of these ten representatives. On the second day of the meeting, the Bureau will report their discussion opinions to the representatives of the contracting parties.

Credit: Delegates of CBCGDF

Credit: Delegates of CBCGDF

The CBCGDF “Plastics Reduction and Plastics Picking” working group will continue to pay attention to this meeting and report on the real-time situation by information sent back by delegates on the front line.

Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gfm0AGyQWiW3gIHpALKSiA

Translator: Richard

Editor: Sara

Contact: V10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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